Saturday, May 1, 2010


SUDDENLY! i mean suddenly! so sudden that sophia and i made this quick decision. ^^
We were outing yesterday with my bunch of friends when suddenly we came into the hair topic. Cant really detect who started it but very high possibility it was sophia! hahaha! it was first started with her wanting to cut her hair, but her hair is already short! seems like every of her return to Taiping, will be followed by her visiting to the salon. She likes cutting her hair in Taiping! don't u, sophia?? haha..

BUT!  suddenly she say.."come lets go dye hair!"  
i was like  "dye hair? come! i also want!"
we were both so excited!!! like kanak kanak riang!
wei, cant blame us right? for 19 years we have been watching ourselves in our black silky hair.. so nice! and this sudden change will make us feel so weird standing in front of the mirror watching our hair in other colour! 0.o

therefore, we made a promise to meet in the salon this morning! wei ling and shu shan were suppose to be with us but they ffk us.....T.T

i remember last time when i was in school, i used to envy my cousins and auties as they can dye their hair to other colours... like ang mo lang! so nice.. X) not like me.. so lame.. have to obey the school rules.. nt to dye hair as this will give us a bad girl impression to the societies.. but really, who says dye hair during the school days means u are a bad girl?? is it because the actually just broke the rules? thats y they are bad? but why cant the school just abolish tht rule? so, nobody is bad! woohoo! \(^.^)/

ok, back to the topic! since now i am no more trapped in the school, and need not obeying the school rules, and thus, i am sure to dye my hair!!!

 so, me and sop met at 2 and we start choosing colour for our hair. Our decision making process is so damn fast.. aiya! we both also cin cai wan laa.. haha.. whateva colour will do.. as long as our hair is no longer black! lol! then we chose blonde! ok.. transformation of our hair began! 

oops.. i forgotten to mention, sophia came with her mom and she brought a lot a lot of laughter!!! she was laughing all the time! now i understand, like mother like daughter! XD simply a little joke will make her laugh non stop! hahaha...

for nearly 2 hours spending time colouring our hair( not boring at all cause we spent 90% of the time laughing together with sophia's mom), YAY! I BECOME ANG MO LANG D!!!  after 19 years! hahahahah... 


sophia preparing to dye her... bye bye black hair!!


                        the result! but cant see much effect laa since the sunlight is behind her..


both of us!

so sorry for not having the process of mine cause i'm the cameraman! cant take my own process!

and then we go back! bye bye! see u in june sop! 
at night! ma leh! the colour of our hair changed!!!!!!! it is not suppose to be this colour! it suppose to be what we saw in the display!!!! but my mom says tht after a few wash the real colour will be out! 
let's see......~

and i scares my little cousin! she was like "mummy!!! who is this jie jie!" hahaha... 
yay! i succeed to transform!!!

mission accomplished! 

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