Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Potato Chips, the heart melter!

See people!
What's the difference?
You must be like =.=!
Ya ya, one Mister Potato one Pringles right?
One Blue one Red right?
One Original flavor one Barbeque right?

NOPE!!! cause one is normal potato chips, normal ordinary that you can always get from almost any shop! but the other one is the only one in this world! X)

SEE!!!!! Coins! all 50 cents coins! Except some 20cents which i added in recently laa! lol. 

Wakakakak! so much right? hehe.. and ouhh! What's tht paper???

Doubt thou the stars are fire,
Doubt that the sun doth move,
Doubt truth to be a liar,
But never doubt i love.

X) yup.. this is a special potato chips heart melter specially made by.......HIM!
Last time when i was in Martric, the washing machine need hell lots of 50 cents coins to get my laundry done!
I used to complaint to him bout the hardship of getting those 50 cents coins when some aunties unwillingly change those 50 cents coins to me! and at times, i begged! =.= it's better than i do my own washing right? lol.

Then, when i got to UM, they said there will be washing machine here but need coins! so i thought it would be like tht in matric. i sigh!!!

So, out of no where, suddenly he handed me this! X)

A Potato Chips Heart-Melter! =)

Love it!

It will last me for One sem!
Need more!!! =P


Jien May said...

Awwww.. so sweeeeettt..... Gila romantic!!!!!

NurFatin Izni said...

ahh...i also kumpul that 50sen la wei~stupid la..kasi smua jnis coins la..susah mau cri that 5o sen coins kan.. -.-"